Carat A – Freedom in the air. Soaring and cruising.

Where would you like to go?

Whether it be local soaring in ridge, wave or thermals, or cross country, the Carat gets the job done in style either as a pure sailplane or as a touring motor-glider. This is a new breed single-seat sailplane for all reasons and seasons.

You have option to cruise out to 637 sm / 1026 km at 124 kts / 230 km/h engine on. Or you can soar at 35 to 1 as a sailplane. It is your choice.

  • Reliable, low-noise, four-stroke engine
  • Forward folding propeller
  • Retractable landing gear
  • Soaring performance of Standard Class
  • Automatic control connections
  • Comfortable cockpit
  • Aircraft designed roomy instrument panel
  • Easy one-man assembly
  • Fits in to a standard sailplane trailer

Carat A Technical Specification

Single seat, EASA Part 22 (JAR 22) certified, powered glider for soaring and fast cruising, in all glass-fibre/carbon-fibre construction with retractable landing gear and folding propeller.


Sauer S1800-1-ES1C, four cylinder – four stroke, air-cooled, electronic second ignition available

Maximum continuous power

40 kW
3000 rpm

54 hp
Propeller, type
AMS AM-F3-1A/140-1
AMS AM-F3-1A/140-1

“Beak” propeller, forward-folding, diameter

140 cm
55 in
Wing span
15 m
49.2 ft
Wing area
10.58+ m2
114+ sq ft
Aspect ratio
Fuselage length
6.21 m
20.4 ft
Airfoil, winglets
Winglets of Discus type

Empty weight including equipment of good optional assortment, approx.

340 kg
750 lbs
Max. takeoff weight
490 kg
1080 lbs
Payload available
150 kg
330 lbs
Wing loading
38.8 – 46.3 kg/m2

7.9- 9.5 lbs/sq ft

Limiting maneuvering load factor
accord. EASA Part 22
Never-exceed speed, VNE
250 km/h
135 kts
Stall speed for 490 kg, Vs0
77 km/h
41,5 kts
Maneuvering speed, VA
185 km/h
100 kts
Cruising speed at 75% IAS / TAS at 3000 m / 10.000 ft
200 / 230 km/h
108 / 124 kts

Best rate of climb with max. cont. power at

2,9 m/s
125 km/h

571 ft/min
68 kts

Take-off distance to clear 50ft obstacle

456 m
1496 ft
Take-off roll
250 m
820 ft

Range, approx. (53 l / 13,8 US gal) unleaded premium petrol

1026 km
637 sm

Noise emission, according to LSL, Chap. 10

62.7 dB(A)
62.7 dB(A

Best lift/drag ratio

35 : 1
105 km/h

57 kts

minimum sink rate

0,75 m/s
85 km/h

150 ft/min
46 kts

Carat A Flight Polar

The flight polar for the Carat A in the soaring configuration at 470 kg (1036.2 lbs), based on ISA conditions at sea-level is as below

1 km/h = 0.5396 kts
1m/s = 197 ft/min

Minimum rate of descent is 0.75 m/s (148 ft/min)
The speed for best gliding is at 105 km/h (57kts) CAS based.
The best lift/drag ratio is 35 : 1.


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